Friday, December 08, 2006

Too Nice?

Sometimes I’m too nice. Last night, I went to Target to pick up some pictures. There was only one pack there, but I could have sworn I had two to pick up there. I asked the lady behind the counter if there was another one. She checked their computer and said that there was one on there, but she couldn’t tell if it was the order I just picked up or another one. She reprinted them for me, but they took a long time. While I was waiting, I realized that I had sent the pictures to Wal-Mart, not Target. So, instead of admitting my mistake and telling her that she was wasting her time, I just sat there waiting for my pictures. After about FIFTEEN MINUTES, I decided to just leave, so I told her I’d come back for them. I never did. Why, oh why, do I sit there and waste my time, trying to save face?!?? Maybe it’s the whole Upper-Midwest Passive Aggressive thing.

I’m going scrapping this weekend at a retreat house in WI. It’s near my hometown, so I think my Mom is going to stop by. Actually, she better, since I have stuff to give her. It’ll be fun to scrap all weekend. I have to get some things done for Christmas, so hopefully I’ll be motivated and get everything done. I’ve already ran out of Christmas Cards (I made 60 of them) so I need to make more of those. I need to come up with a better plan for next year with those. Maybe I’ll do them digitally and just have them printed out. This whole cutting and gluing thing is getting to be a bit much with so many cards.

I’m trying to make the day go faster. I just want to leave to go scrapbooking, but I can’t leave yet. Damn the used up PTO!!

Have a good weekend. I’ll probably post Sunday.

1 comment:

nancy_scraps said...

Nicole, you are too funny.

Remember, being nice is a GOOD thing.