Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year

Happy 2008! Hope everyone had a safe and fun New Year! DH and I just stayed home and watched Shrek the Third. It was cute, but not as good as the others.
I was just reading through my blog last year to see if I wrote anything about the new year last year. Nope. No wisdom there! But it was interesting to read through what I posted about last year. An added benefit to blogging for sure! I thought I'd post a list of things I'd like to accomplish this year:
1. Continue to go through the house and purge what I don't use or like. I did that this past weekend with my scrapbooking stuff and finally got that organized! Here's what it looks like:

I know, not much, but it's in our unfinished basement and at least I can find everything now. I plan on giving the stuff I don't want to my co-worker's daughter who just started scrapping.

2. Scrap more. I scrapped a TON in 2006, and didn't do much last year, so I'd like to get back at this year.

3. Participate in the One Little Word and 52 week Art Card Challenges. Part of #2. I've always wanted to do these challenges, especially after seeing Beth and Nicole's work, and it's a great time to start them up.

4. Cook more. I'm bad about just grabbing something the freezer and putting it in the oven. I'd like to cook more from scratch this year. Not every day, but at least a couple times a month. It's something I'm not good and really struggle with, so that's why I'm not striving to do more than that.

5. Move more. Not necessarily exercise, because I think I would fail if I made that a goal, but just moving. Taking the stairs. Taking the long way. Things like that.

6. Maintain a clean house. I'm good at cleaning my house and then assuming it's clean for too long. I don't want to let the house get too far gone before I clean again.

7. Be a better wife. I let my depression control how I act towards DH some times, and it's not good. I need to be more conscious of that and not fall back into those bad habits.

8. And lastly, smile more. :)

So here's hoping for a great 2008!


~ alli ~ said...

You go girl! Organized scrap stuff feels SOOOO good! :)

beth said...

i think it's great you are going to do those challenges!

Anonymous said...

I totally relate to your #6! I do that too. I tend to assume that the house stays cleaner longer than it really does too. Good point. I'll add that to my list.

Suzy said...

I love your ideas for 2008. Mine are almost the same. I am so glad that Christmas was good to your family. I still pray for your uncle, and hope that he continues to get well. I am really looking forward to birch park,its just a couple weeks away!