Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blogs of Note

Have you ever stopped and checked out the Blogs of Note on Blogger? You don't have to have a blogger account to see them. Just go to Blogger to see the latest.

Anyway, I found two cool blogs the other day on Blogs of Note. One is Rate your Students. It's professors take of their students. Sort of based from Rate your Professors. Being out of college for some time, it's easy to see how much crap we give professors. Whining, asking for extensions, basically wanting them to do everything for us. It's funny to see what some people are trying to get away with.

The other is Let's be Friends. They show unlikely animals who are being friendly with each other. Not like that, sicko! Just cuddling. I thought my friend Alli would enjoy this one:

Now you have some other options to waste your time. Have fun! I'm glad I could enable you!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

interesting blogs, especially the rate your students one! i might have been guilty of some of those things back in the day! yikes...