Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Not much exciting going on this Labor Day weekend. We're going up to the cabin like we do every year. I treasure these times since I get to see my 96 year old grandma. I also get to spend a lot of time with all of my family. It's something special and something most people don't get to (or want to) do.

Another exciting event this weekend - Kristen and Scott Stafne are going to be on the Jerry Lewis Telethon this weekend! Here's the information for when they'll be on:

Late Sunday night around 11pm West Coast time (1am in Minnesota) - profile and interview

--Locally in MN--
Monday around 12 noon - replay of profile

I'm hoping to catch them, but TV is spotty around the cabin. If you want more information about Scott and his struggle with ALS, you can check out their website. Best of luck to them and here's hoping they raise a ton of money for ALS research!

Have a great weekend and congratulations to Mark and Alli who are getting married this weekend!

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