Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Re-Cap!

We had a great weekend at the cabin! It was great to spend time with all of my family, especially my niece and nephew! Here's a picture of my niece trying to climb on the coffee table. I think she was successful!
Here is my nephew and my cousin's daughter going tubing behind the boat - it was their first time trying it and they loved it!
My nephew - I can't believe he's going to be 4 this fall! He's getting so big!

And, in other great news, The Office Season 3 arrived today! Yippee! Guess what I'm doing tonight? :)
I hope everyone had a great weekend! And thank God for short work weeks! Gotta love them!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Great photos and recap. Looks like fun was had by all. I'm so excited to get Season 3 as well. Greg and I got hooked on that show really late, but now we're addicted. Glad you had fun and are home safe.