Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 25 is the 268th day of the year

What events happened on this day?

*1789 - The U.S. Congress passes twelve amendments to the United States Constitution: the Congressional Apportionment Amendment, the Congressional Compensation Amendment, and the ten that are known as the Bill of Rights. Only the Bill of Rights were ratified at the time, while the other two were proposed by James Madison but not ratified. In 1992, the Congresstional Compensation Amendment was ratified as the 27th amendment to the Constitution,

*1911 - Ground is broken for Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts.

*1957 - Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, is integrated through the use of United States Army troops.

*1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor was the 102nd Justice sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, the first woman to hold the office.

*2006 - The Louisiana Superdome reopens after 13 months of reconstruction necessitated by Hurricane Katrina.

*2007 - Besides the release of Halo 3? The anniversary of my blog!! One year ago today, I decided to start this nonsense. It's been a great ride so far, thanks for hanging with me!

By the way, all of this information is from Wikipedia.


beth said...

happy blogiversary!

nicole said...

Very cool Nicole...congrats :)

~ alli ~ said...

At first read, I thought I missed your birthday! *whew*

Happy Bloggiversary!
(i said that and then i saw that beth said it too!!!)