Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sadness *Updated*

We got notice today that Dh's grandpa isn't doing good. We're expecting to leave for Ohio tomorrow. I'm hoping for the best, but knowing that the worst is soon to come. Both of my grandpa's have been gone for many years. He actually called me his granddaughter. I know this is cryptic, but that's sort of how I feel. I'd appreciate any prayers or good thoughts.

*Dh's grandpa passed away earlier this morning. We'll be leaving for Ohio after I get done with work. *


~ alli ~ said...

I'm so sorry, Nicole. Prayers to you and Todd's family.

Scraploft said...

So sorry to hear about Todd's grandpa. My thoughts are with you all during this time.


Tracy said...

SO sorry to hear about Todd's Grandpa. Please give my thoughts and prayers to Todd and his family.

Anonymous said...

That's too bad Nicole. My condolences.

We have a funeral on Saturday. Great Aunt Alice passed away yesterday at 97.
