Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cathy and Donna

This weekend has been great so far! Last night, Cathy Zielske and Donna Downey dropped by the crop for a couple of hours. It was so cool to see both of them - they are so funny! They were both really down to earth and Cathy even left Alli a message!! I was bummed that she didn't answer the phone, but it was hilarious that she was able to leave her a message! We had a great time talking and laughing with them. It was definitely worth getting to see them!

Cathy, me and Donna:
Linda, me and Beth. We had a great time!
Beth and I took Donna's book binding class today. She's a great teacher and it was a great class. Mine turned out a little fucked up (Donna says it's not a party until someone drops the f-bomb, so that one was for her!), but that was my fault, not hers. Afterwards, Beth and I talked to her a little while. She seemed bummed that we weren't staying for more classes, which made us happy that she wanted us to hang out more! Beth even got to wear her apron! To see the book and Beth in the apron, check out Beth's blog.
Tonight DH and I are going to Blades of Glory (finally). Hopefully tomorrow will be great too - it will be a topper to an already great weekend!


beth said...

good times, good times!

Bonita Rose said...

glad u all had so much fun.. those 2 are such a riot, arent they?

beth said...

hey classy've been tagged. check out my blog.