Saturday, May 10, 2008

Puppy Pictures

I was cleaning out our second bedroom today (we're getting a new bed from my Grandma's house) and I came across some old pictures of Orion and Baron

Here's Orion at the cabin I think the week after we got him. He was scared of all of the other dogs and was hiding behind the geranium. This is still one of my favorite photos of him. I could actually hold him at this point! Now he weighs 100 pounds! You gotta love those ears! He hadn't grown into them yet. This was Baron the day we got him. He was about a month younger than when we got Orion. He had been living in an old chicken coop with his liter mates, so we had to give him a bath. He definitely doesn't fit in the sink any more! I also love that you can see Orion's nose checking him out. I can't believe that either of them were that small at one time!!

1 comment:

~ alli ~ said...

Your puppies were/are SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!