Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Attempts at a Christmas Card

Sunday, Auntie Breanne and I tried to get a good Christmas picture out of Claire. Unfortunately, she wasn't awake for it, unless we were changing her, and then she was awake but unhappy!!

Here's the first outfit, kind of a Christmas elf look. And a close up - That was cute, but I didn't like that it covered her head. This one was okay, but not quite right.I tried one with the dogs, but she just ended up leaning one way,And then the other way. I think even the dogs didn't like that one! So, what did I use? You'll just have to check your mailbox in a week or so. Or whenever those cards come!

1 comment:

Scraploft said...

CUTE photos! She is quite the little sleeper in them isn't she? Love the red dress and the striped pants!
