Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas Decorations

Most of my Christmas decorations are up, so I thought I'd post one of my favorite decorations.

This is my nativity set. It's Willow Tree by Demdaco. I love their angels, and decided I'd love to have the nativity set too. My Godmother has gotten me most of the pieces the past couple of years for Christmas. Finally I was able to complete the set last year. I love how simple everything is and how "crafty" the pieces are. My favorite has to be the camel, which is on the far right hand side. It's so cool. It even has a chain for a rope hanging off of it.

It's sad that I can only display this once a year!!

We don't have a Christmas tree up this year, and didn't last year either. We got an electric fireplace for our living room a couple of years ago, and now we don't have room. I'm not too happy about it, but it's the way it has to be for now. I'm hoping to get my house collection up soon. I'll try and take a picture of that when it's up too.

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