Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Get Smarter and Help People!

I just found out about this cool site called Free Rice. What you do is correctly guess the meaning of words, and for every one you get right, you donate 10 grains of rice. It's fun and addicting! Plus, you get to learn the definition of a lot of words, if you didn't already know them.

The other cool thing today is that Amy Winehouse's first album was released in the US. It's called "Frank" and it's awesome. It's a little jazzier than her recent one. Plus, you gotta love that she's got a song called F-me pumps! I just purchased this on iTunes and am loving it! I've posted the video as well, so you can enjoy it now!


Michelle said...

super fun and addicting game. I did it for a while on my lunch break today and donated 600 grains of rice.

thanks for sharing.

CountryMouse said...

I loved this - I've been back loads of times - thanks for the link.