Monday, September 25, 2006

I have no idea why, but yesterday I decided I needed a blog. I really have no reason for one - nothing exciting has or is happening in my life. I live in the sticks with my DH and two dogs, work a 8-5 job (Dolly Parton had it all wrong!), and watch way too much TV. But for some reason, I had to have one. Maybe to bitch, maybe to log this time in my life. I don't know. So, here goes. I'll probably post a ton at first and then only once in a blue moon after that.

Yesterday, DH, MIL and FIL went to Lake Minnetonka to cruise around and look at all of the huge houses. Even though it was chilly, it was so nice to get out on a beautiful fall day. Normally, the most I'd be outside would be to let the dogs in or check out my perennial garden. It was fun to see my MIL wrapped like a mummy because she was so cold. I don't know why, but it was funny.


Seriously And Now said...

So let me understand this. You were less then 15 minutes from my house and you didn't offer to bring me anything?

Bonita Rose said...

congrats on the blogging world nicole... ur in trouble now!hehe

Bonita Rose said...

Hey nicole, where's the link to my blog on your sidebar.. huh huh?
I've already got yours on mine! so there!

Nicole said...

Bonnie - I'm just not as good as you are! I'm just figuring this out, but I do have you up there now. And Linda, you wouldn't have wanted to be there. Believe me!