Saturday, November 25, 2006

Say What?

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: North Central

"North Central" is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw "Fargo" you probably didn't think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

The West
The Midland
The Inland North
The Northeast
The South
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Thought this was funny. Try it out and post your answers!


Tracy said...

Mine is definetely North Central. The "no accent" accent. Has anyone else from MN been told they have an accent? I find it really funny when people say we have an accent.

nancy_scraps said...

Nicole! Oh my gosh! I got "The Inland North." The question "Do you get asked if you're from Wisconsin? From Chicago? You probably call soft drinks "pop".

I grew up in Wisconsin, about an hour and a half away from Chicago. That was very eerie to get that answer!

(And yes, it's pop!)