Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Tracy asks: "I want to know - When are we going to scrapbook? "

Answer - Hopefully soon. Let's try for the end of February or March. Let me know what days work for you.

Bonnie asks: "here's one.... u thinking of having kids in the future? or just your puppies?"

Answer - Probably some day. Kids are a hard thing for me. I don't know if I could handle it or if I want to give up my current lifestyle. I think about it a lot, but I don't know if that's just because of my age or if I really want them. It's a complicated question with complicated answers. But we will definitely continue to have dogs. That I do know.

Keep them coming!!


Tracy said...

I wanted to ask the kid thing too - but I figured I would ask you face to face when we scrapbook! As far as the "lifestyle" thing goes - you don't give much up. Don't get me wrong, kids change your life in unimaginable ways. However, you still make time to do the things you love - you just don't get to do them as often. You also adapt a new "lifestyle" that somehow makes up for the things you miss from your old lifestyle. I can't imagine life without a child now and I don't really miss the old life!

nancy_scraps said...

I think you give up a LOT with kids. I know I really miss many parts of my life before kids. If I knew then what I know now, I'm not sure we would have had kids. In a theoretical sense only, of course.

You also get SO MUCH with kids. And I love my kids dearly and wouldn't trade them for anything.

But I think kids should definitely NOT be thought of as automatic for a marriage. I admire your courage to really think about it and even consider saying "no" if it's not for you.