Monday, December 17, 2007

Prayers Needed

My Uncle Murray (my Dad's oldest brother) has been in the hospital for two weeks tomorrow. He's not doing good. He's got pneumonia and a blockage in his heart. They can't operate because his lungs can't handle it and they can't not operate because of the blockage in his heart. This is the update I got from my cousin (his daughter) today:

"(Her Sister) and I have given permission for them to inject Daddy with dye (Angioplasty) to see what is going on. This will happen some time today. Daddy is getting weaker and weaker (heartwise) each day and they are not sure why. They did not want to inject the dye earlier than this because Dad's kidneys are not working very well and doing the die could cause more damage to his kidney's. We also have permission for them to do an emergency (Angiogram) in necessary if they find a blockage they feel needs to be dealt with. Granted, Daddy has blockage, but this was a step that they have been holding off because of the weakness of Dad's heart. I hung everyone's picture up in this room, he has a 8 x 11 photo of all of us. He knows you are all pulling for him. I asked him if he could see all his pictures and he shook his head yes and squeezed my hand. This is just in front of his bed and it is not all of it. "

My Grandma (his Mom) turns 96 on Friday. She has lasted all of these years without losing any of her children or grandchildren (or great-grandchildren for that matter). My parent's take care of her and have told her what's going on, but she is on oxygen almost full time now and probably wouldn't be able to make the 3 hour drive to Duluth to see him in the hospital. I can't believe we just went through this with my Dad's younger brother this fall. It makes me worried about him, since he just had stints put in his heart last year.

I'd appreciate any prayers at this time. It's not looking good, but of course we're being optimistic. I'm really hoping nothing happens before Christmas, that might be too much to handle for everyone.


Tracy said...

We will keep your uncle and your famiy in our prayers.

Michelle said...

I will add you to my prayer list. It sounds like there's a lot going on in his body. That would be hard to deal with. Hugs and prayers.