Tuesday, March 04, 2008

You Know I'm Not Feeling Well When...

I didn't mention at all today that my birthday is a month away. Every 4th of every month, I say to at least 5 people that my birthday is so many months away. I didn't even realize it was the 4th until I wrote out a check at Target after work. That's sign number 40 that something's not quite right.

Top Model is doing makeovers tomorrow. My favorite episodes of the show. Project Runway finale tomorrow to - Go Jillian! Now if my head would stop pounding, it would all be good.

And, yes, even I'm sick of my bitching about my headaches. But it's my blog - so there. :P


nicole said...

I didn't know your birthday was in april too...(mine is the 9th) how fun!
Also looking forward to project runway tonight :)
hope you start feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cole!
Hope you feel better soon. You've probably heard it all but have you ever tried avoiding gluten? I remember reading that a sign of celiac disease is chronic sinusitis. Also, a lot of people with celiac also avoid dairy to help clear up symptoms. Have you ever tried avoiding dairy and gluten for a few weeks just to see if it helps?