Monday, July 02, 2007

Holiday Weekend

This weekend DH and I spent at our cabin with all of my family. When I say all of my family, I mean my Dad's side - 1 Grandmother, 5 siblings, 4 spouses, 10 grandkids, 6 spouses, and 10 great-grandchildren. Oh, a stepchild and girlfriend too. Between our cabin and my uncles, it's packed! This is what we do every 4th of July weekend. Here's a picture of the 10 great-grandchildren - they range from 8 to 6 months.
My Mom has a garden at the cabin that is beautiful. She's got a ton of lillies - and this plant has 28+ blossoms! Isn't that amazing? The stalk is HUGE to support all that weight!

She's also got a hen and chick plant that is flowering. I've never seen one flower! It sort of looks phallic! We're really interested in seeing what kind of flowers it has.

I slept a lot this weekend to help get over this cold. I think it's starting to go away, but not quite yet. I blow my nose more often than I'd like during the day!

No vacation until the 4th. At least there's one day I don't have to get up early!

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