Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More Answers....

Linda Lou asks: "Who is tracy and why are you scrapbooking with her? What about your bitches?"

Answer - Jealous much? Tracy has been my friend since the first couple of weeks of my freshman year at UMD. She actually introduced me to DH. We lived together two different times and I was even in her wedding! I will be scrapping with her because she is fun and cool. My bitches would be more than welcome to join us.

Nancy_Scraps asks: "What do you like about Weimarainers as a breed of dog?If you couldn't have a Weimarainer or a Viszla, what kind of dogs would you have. "

Answer - We originally decided on the Weimaraner because my DH wanted a pair of beagles and I said no. We checked out a couple of different breeds (German Shorthair Pointer, Viszla) and decided on the Weim. I like that they are very personable, super smart (almost to a fault!), they LOVE being with their humans, they have short hair and they hunt (which DH likes). All of my family has Labs or Springer Spaniels. When we get together at our cabin, it's a Lab-fest. So we wanted something different so we could actually tell which one was our dog. If we were to have another type of dog - that's a good question. I'd probably only get Weims from now on, but I'd probably want a GSP or Viszla. I really like the short hair.

Keep em coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would you do if you won the lottery?