Thursday, February 08, 2007


My friend Beth recently tagged me. Since I've already done this one (see this post) I thought my dog Baron could answer this one.

A= Available? No, I already have an owner.

B= Best Friend? My brother Orion

C= Cake or pie? Whatever I can get my paws on!

D= Drink of choice - Water

E= Essential item you use everyday - my good looks

F= Favorite color: Blue

G= Girlie girl: Yes

H= Hometown - North Branch, MN

I= Indulgences - Getting belly rubs every chance I can! Hording toys from my brother.

J= January or February - Either - as long as there is snow, I love eating snow!

K= Kids and Names - No. I'm fixed.

L= Life is incomplete without...Belly rubs!!

M= Marriage date - I'm only 5!! I can't get married!

N= Number of siblings- One, my older brother Orion

O= Oranges or apples - Apples.

P= Phobias or Fears - Where to start! Thunder, Being left alone, not being included, thinking my brother is getting attention or a belly rub and I'm not, baths, getting my nails clipped, going on trips, not getting my way, when my brother has my toys, getting trapped where I can't get out, being away from my Mom, the water, swimming

Q= Favorite Quote - A dog wags his tail with his heart!

R= Reason to smile - Belly rubs!

S= Season - Winter - I love eating snow!

T= Toy - my Man! It's the toy I'm holding in my picture.

U= Unknown fact about me: I had to have a skin tag taken off of my leg a couple of years ago.

W= Worst habit - Wanting belly rubs or attention!

X= X-rays - No.

Y= Your favorite food - peanut butter!

Z= Zodiac Sign - Taurus


nancy_scraps said...

Baron is afraid of swimming and water? I thought that was part of the deal for hunting dogs?

(The afraid of thunder thing I understand. Most dogs seem to be).

Bonita Rose said...

ur dog sounds great... lol

Nicole said...

He's a big baby. A total momma's boy!

beth said...

sorry...didn't realize you had been tagged. damn the tag. please thank baron for doing it instead!

see you soon! got it!