Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You wanna be on top?

Not like that!! You sicko! That's the first line from the theme song for America's Next Top Model, or ANTM. I'm so excited it's on again!! This is one of my favorite shows. I've seen all 7 previous cycles (that's what they call their "seasons") and have loved every minute of it! I don't know what it is about that show - it just rocks! I think it's because I always dreamed about being a model and thought that would be so fun and cool. I watched a lot of fashion oriented TV shows (House of Style and the like) when I was young and just idolized that whole lifestyle. And now look! I work at a bus company! :) I think one of the best parts of the show is that the judges do the eliminating. I'm not too hip on American Idol or anything where America votes. I think it's because a lot of people vote because someone is hot or they're from their hometown, not because they're good. Anyways, this season already looks to be great. There's a girl who is married and has a kid who thinks her shit doesn't stink, a girl that was sad she won the first competition because she didn't want everyone to hate her, and two "plus" size models. They're probably an 8 or 10, but considered plus size. The one goofy girl with hair about 2 feet tall who didn't know what anti-fur was (they did a photo shoot about different political views) was eliminated tonight.
Watch out for the killer snow tonight. The way the news people have been reporting this one, you'd think it was the end of the world.


beth said...

hope it's not the end of the world. it wasn't snowing until a half hour ago and now it's raining, snowing, sleeting, and i hear it's going to thunder. why do i live in mn?

Bonita Rose said...

i hear ya, not much snow yet. we'll see.

nancy_scraps said...

One day when I was home sick...vegging on the couch with the TV...they had an "America's Top Model" Marathon. I got to watch one season all the way through back-to-back.

It was the one where one of the models accused another of taking her cereal bar and poured out her RedBull and then a third person came in and tried to moderate and a verbal fight ensued.

The winner was named Nicole and she was from North Dakota. I couldn't believe I was hooked, because I've never even watched Survivor or American Idol or any of those even once.

Everyone at work is trying to leave at noon. It must be the end of the world. :-)