Thursday, March 29, 2007

A List

Anonymous said...
how about a post on what you want for your birthday?
7:16 PM

I quit my "ask me a question and I'll answer it" posts awhile back, but I guess I'll indulge anonymous (if that's your name).

Thinking about it, I guess I would be a hard person to buy for. I have too much shit to begin with, and am very ambivalent on what I want in general. I wish I could just come up with 10 things that I wanted just like that. I'll try that out and see what happens:

1. A chunky necklace in some cool color. I tried on about 500 at Target the other day and couldn't find anything I wanted or liked.
2. Cool Acrylic stamps
3. Mary Jane Crocs (size 9)
4. A protective cover for my iPod mini
5. iTunes Gift Card
6. Anything cool scrapbooking stuff
(damn! This is hard!)
7. Alli to move back ;) Hehehe! Had to add that!
8. Professional pics of my dogs
9. Someone to come and pick up the poop in our yard
(arrrgh! I'm stuck again! With ideas, not in the poop!)
10. Okay, so I tried looking on the internet, and then got distracted for 30 minutes until I realized that I should get to bed and then remembered this. Sorry, 9 is all you're getting. Good luck. I'll love whatever you get me - unless it's that one thing you're thinking of! Hehehe!


beth said...

9 things...that's it? :)

Anonymous said...

DAMN your list....what can I get at Target?

Bonita Rose said...

I already got your bday present yesterday - you are just gonna have to like what I got ya... hehe
see u later today!