Friday, October 27, 2006

My friend Linda talked about politics on her blog the other day and inspired me to take a crack at it. My basic philosophy on politics is that Governments job is to take care of safety and roads. Everything else should be dealt with by the private sector. Safety includes police, fire, army, and all that jazz. If that was all they dealt with, our taxes would be so much lower that we could afford to give to private organizations that would help the homeless, poor, etc. What about schools you ask? I think they should all be private. If they were, we would know where all of the money was spent and what was going on. If not, people would send their kids somewhere else. There’s just not enough accountability now. The worse idea in the world is to have universal health care. It doesn’t work anywhere else, no matter what anyone tells you. If the Government got their hands on all that money, we’d be worse off than we already are. It’s not that I don’t trust the Government; I just don’t trust them with money. They seem to screw up everything they get their hands on. We chose to fight for our freedom from England over taxes, but now things are almost as bad. At least we have representation, but that’s about it. This is why I vote Republican most of the time. They usually go for small Government. USUALLY. I was also listening to talk radio today and they were talking about why people choose to not like a celebrity after they find out their politics. For me, I'd rather not know. It really ruins it for me when I find out that my favorite actor or actress is a member of PETA or something like that. There is nothing wrong with belonging to that group, but I just don't agree with it. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth. Tell me what they're wearing, who they're dating, not who they're voting for. Maybe it's because my parents never talked about politics around me. They still won't tell me who they voted for!!

Now on a lighter note - all you scrapbookers out there HAVE TO check this out!! It's so funny!


Bonita Rose said...

funny video.. thks for sharing!

Seriously And Now said...