Monday, October 30, 2006

Addendum to my previous post - Yes. I do watch too much TV. It's not like that's all I do. A lot of time I'm scrapping, doing cards, cleaning, playing with the dogs, etc. I think a big part of it is that my DH works nights and it's my way of coping with being alone. I don't have kids, just me and the dogs. And as much as I've tried to make them, they don't talk back. It's too quiet to not have the TV on. I don't turn it on until 7pm, but after then, when it starts getting dark (or is dark, this time of year) I almost have to have it on. Even right as I go to bed, I have it on until I'm ready to sleep. If I can't have my DH with me, at least my TV friends are there. Some nights, yes, all I do is watch TV. Other nights, I barely see what's going on, I'm doing so much other stuff. I guess my question was more, what do you think about what I watch, not how much.


Bonita Rose said...

Hey the new look of our blog... nice colors! yeah I hear you, when you are alone.. then yeah.. the tv is a nice entertainer for sure!
re the shows you watch, nothing really surprised me... !! All pretty cool shows.. one we like to watch is HEROES.. good show.

Belgiumite77 said...

One show glaringly missing from your line-up... "The Office"

Thursday nights at 7:30 on NBC. We own Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and tape every episode of season 3- that's how addicted we are.
If you want to give it a try, I suggest watching it a couple times to give it a fair chance- it's very dry but hilarious humor. Enjoy! Tara

Sue said...

I am right there with you, girl! I am from a big family and have always needed the noise. I turn the tv on when I am in the house. I probably could not tell you what was on at any given time, but it is there and it is company. It is the last thing I do each night, turn off the thing. So I can relate...glas to know there are at least 2 of us ...LOL!!