Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thank you for Smoking

I can't believe our legislature here. I can't believe that they are actually going to ban smoking throughout the state of Minnesota. And I really can't believe that our Republican governor has stated he's going to sign the bill. For me, this issue has nothing to do with smoking. I can't stand it. I have asthma, and can have adverse effects from it. So, why wouldn't I want it banned? Wouldn't things be so much better if I could go anywhere and not have someone smoking? Sure it would. But the thing is, I DON'T WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO BAN IT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. I feel that the market, or customer demand, should dictate what people do. If there is a bar where the owner wants to make it non-smoking, good for them. I'm sure a lot of people would frequent it. But as soon as the government gets their hands into it, that's where things start getting scary. Who's to say it's not something you love next? Yes, smoking is bad for your health, but it's your body. I've chosen to drink more Mt. Dew than any human should, but guess what, that's MY choice. I hate when the government plays God. Maybe they should look into making Minneapolis and public transit safer and leave whether or not people are having a smoke to those people.

My name is Nicole and I've approved this message.


Anonymous said...

Being in the land of cheese, this is the first I've heard of this Minnesota smoking ban.

And I have to admit, I'm quite jealous! I just wanted to point out one thing you said:

"I have asthma, and can have adverse effects from it."

I think you hit the nail on the head right there. I don't think they're banning smoking to take away someone's right to harm their own body. They're banning it to protect those who could be harmed unwillingly- like EVERYONE who comes in contact with the second-hand smoke.

I worked as an on-premise (AKA in-bar) marketing rep for Miller Brewing Co my first year out of college. I had no voice that whole time due to being in smokey surroundings every day/night. I still wonder to this day if I'll someday end up with lung cancer, and I've smoked less than a pack of cigarettes in my whole life.

If Wisconsin had been smoke-free, I wouldn't have these concerns.

And just think, if they really want to get their fix, they could still turn to that other attractive habit- CHEWING! MMMM...

just thought I'd present the flip side! : )


Tracy said...

I have to agree with Tara. I do not like the goverment making laws that restrict our rights. However, I think the spirit of this law is to protect the people that work in bars and restaurants. Sure, if you want to eat where there isn't smoke, you will go to non-smoking restaurant. However, a lot of the people that work in bars work there because that is the only job they can find/have because of their abilities or education level. The one or two times a year that I go to a smoking bar isn't going to hurt me in the long run - but I feel for the people that work in those places and have to breath that air day in and day out. The law will protect them.

Bonita Rose said...

I agree with the previous 2 comments. 2nd hand smoke kills. Plain and simple.