Monday, October 02, 2006


What is going on this week? Three school shootings in 3 school days? My question is - how did this all start? Who decided it was okay to do this? I've never been so pissed off at someone that I wanted to shoot them and others around them! I think the worse part about it is that most of these shooters do all this damage and then kill themselves. Thanks. You take our children's innocence and you're not even going to stick around to tell us why? Selfish. Pure Selfish. I remember I was in college when the Columbine massacre happened. I watched CNN and the like for two days straight. I couldn't believe what was happening. Now, I found out that the school in Wisconsin is the same one my cousin was the Assistant Principal at two years ago. It very easily could have been him. And now an Amish school? They stay out of society for religious beliefs and we're going to bring them this? I'm sure they'd rather start with a tractor or phone, but no, we'll just jump right into the senseless slaughter of their children. I'm sure they're running to join the mainstream as I write. Is it even worth bringing a child into all this? How do you explain this to any child? "Now, school is supposed to be a place to learn, but some day, if a kid you pissed off comes to school with a gun, that might be it!" Good luck to all the parents out there who have to try and make sense of this themselves, and then to their kids. Now I'm just starting to think even meaner thoughts. I better stop while I'm ahead. I was going to post pretty pictures from this weekend, but the internet was slow and now you got this. I hope the shooters rot in hell for what they've done. Peace to all of the families and friends of the victims. May God save all our souls - we obviously need it.

1 comment:

nancy_scraps said...

I have a friend who teaches in a Catholic grade school (K-4) in Richfield. She was sharing the LOCKDOWN drills that they have. The teacher sweeps the hallway out side the classroom and locks the door. NO ONE (not even a Kindergarten child who may have been missed) is allowed into the room. (Teachers by the bathrooms do sweep through the bathroom to collect any kids there, but I still shudder to think about a poor child who may have been missed and is wandering the halls without anyone to let her in.)
The lights in the room go out and the kids all sit/hide in an area of the room that can't be seen from the door. And you try to keep the kids quiet. The police come and sweep the is practice for them, also.

She said it is scary as @#$@, and explaining to little kids what they are doing is not easily done.
I guess all the schools in Richfield do them. I haven't heard of them yet in the Minneapolis Public Schools, but I'm sure they can't be far behind. A kids could be scarred for life just from the DRILL.

How sad and evil, that the world has come to this.