Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gray Days

This isn't the greatest picture, but it's how most of the week has been. Gray. Rainy. I look this as I was driving home from work tonight. We need the rain. When we were at Mille Lacs Lake this summer, it was down 3 feet. It's going to take a lot of rain to get that back to where it needs to be. However, it would be nice if we had one or two days of sunshine in between. But I guess it's not like I can see it most of the day - I don't have a window in my office. Ah, more bitching by me about the rain. Can't you just wait until I start bitching about the snow? Ha!

Dh and I went to Michaels tonight. He got a picture he wanted framed. Almost $400 later, even with a 50% coupon, he's getting his picture framed. We don't even have walls to put it on! It's going in our unfinished basement. Hopefully this will give him motivation to finish. Ha again!

I'm super excited for Sunday. My friend KH is coming on Sunday with her new boyfriend for dinner. I've never met him before. It should be a blast.

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