Sunday, October 14, 2007


I have this blog for me. I wanted to share a little bit of myself with the world. I am completely fine with anyone disagreeing with what they read here, but I'm not going to let some bully just run free. The last post I made must have hit home for "anonymous". I'm glad you have so much conviction in your (note how "your" is being used in the sentence) opinions that you won't even sign your name. When people call people ignorant, it really makes them want to consider your side. I have disabled comments on the previous post because I don't want it to get any uglier. And I have also removed the name calling post because that was uncalled for. Again, if you want to convince someone to change their opinion, that's not how you do it.


Anonymous said...

I have read your blog many a times, and never commented until now. I must say that i do disagree with your views on the whole Al Gore issue, but i do agree with you in that this is your blog. and you can say whatever you feel. But i think that you need to be ready for the comments, whatever they may be. You as a blogger who accepts comments need to be ready for the good, the bad, and the ugly comments. If you do not want to hear negative feed back, i suggest you disable your comments.

~ alli ~ said...

I think people who leave nasty anonymous posts are immature. If you feel so strongly, why are you ashamed of having your voice heard? I give a whole lot more credence to an opinion attached to a name rather than ideas from a fearful and faceless person hidden behind the anonymity of the internet.

I also allow comments on my blog because it's fun to hear from friends and random readers. But I would be appalled and offended to receive negative bashing comments. It is not something I would expect or "be ready for" as Jennifer (see above) suggests.

And just for the record, I think Al Gore has done the world a service by bringing the topic of environmental conservation to the forefront. See how differing opinions can be stated respectfully? I don't care what Nicole thinks about Al Gore, we'll still be friends.

Lots of love,
~ alli ~

Anonymous said...

To add to the above thoughts, I think people who leave nasty anonymous comments are cowards who like to degrade others' opinions but are afraid that their own lack of knowledge on the subject will leave them unable to defend their claims, making them look stupid for all the world to see.

Along the same lines as what Alli said, this way, their ignorance is hidden behind the mask of the internet and they face no risk.

You're entitled to your opinion, Cole- flaunt it!!!


Anonymous said...

you can't handle nasty, rude, and negative comments then don't have a blog. Period end of story! i totally agree with Jennifer from above. We do live in america, and people who comment have free reign to say what they feel. if you can't deal with it, then go to target and get a diary to write in.